The key to keeping control over how your property and other assets will be handled when you die, or when you can no longer care for yourself, lies in careful planning now.

From guiding you through the estate planning process to preparing critical documents such as a will or power of attorney, the experienced lawyers of Briner Law Firm can help you address the unique needs of your family and others you care about by formulating a comprehensive, personalized estate plan.

Estate Planning – When it comes to estate planning, no “one-size-fits-all” formula exists for making sure your property and other assets are handled the way you want them to be handled after your death. That’s why it’s essential to seek the sound advice of a trusted attorney. He or she can help you create a customized plan that will give you and your family peace of mind, both now and in the future.

Trusts – A trust is an excellent way to protect your assets and provide financial security for those you love. An attorney who specializes in this area of law can help you sort through your options to select and put into place the trust that’s right for you.

Wills – If you die without a legally sound will, your property and other assets may not be distributed to your relatives, friends, and others the way you wish. You can keep that from happening by consulting a qualified, experienced attorney. He or she can work with you to draw up a document that reflects your specific, personal preferences, ensuring a secure future for you and those you love.

Power of Attorney – As difficult as it may be to imagine, a time may come when you are unable to act on your own behalf in certain legal or financial matters. A power of attorney allows you to choose someone you trust to act in your best interest if that does happen. It’s critical to partner with an experienced attorney who will draft a document that clearly outlines the scope of power you wish to grant the person you’ve chosen.

Probate – Probate refers to the judicial process of distributing a person’s property and assets after he or she dies. A qualified probate attorney can help you protect your assets and property from going into the probate process. Or, if the estate of a loved one has gone into probate, an attorney can come alongside you to help you navigate the often unsettling process with care and confidence.